Thursday, July 25, 2024

Defendin' Ur Democracy

 "The surface of American society is covered with a layer of democracy from beneath which the old aristocratic colors sometimes peep..." -- Alexis D'Tocquveille "Democracy in America"

Well, Kamala Harris is now the standard bearer for the democratic (small 'd' intentional) party that is going to do it's level best (which is the tragic part) of Defending Our Democracy from the villainous evil that is Donald J. Trump.

In true democratic fashion, Harris has been elevated (which must be a strange experience for someone who spends most of her time kneeling) to this exalted and extremely important position (also strange for someone whose used to positions like "missionary" and "doggy") by what we have been assured is the most-democratic of means. In practice, "democratic" has been redefined so that 14 million or so people who voted for Joe Biden don't get a chance to vote for Kamala Harris now that Biden has pulled out (also a strange notion for Kamala), or anyone else for that matter.

I would like you to cogitate on that for a moment.

Democracy in action, you say? True democratic means, you say? The very epitome of spotless, transparent political activity carried out in the full light of day?

Fuck no.

Instead, Harris was anointed by a cabal of "delegates" over the course of a phone call. Not a ballot box in sight.

I'd like to stop here for a moment to digress.

Let us put aside for a minute the fact possibility that Joe Biden was carried into office by a great effort in the service of voter fraud, covered by the panic created by the implementation of harsh, anti-democratic measures under the fear created by the smokescreen of a manufactured pandemic.

Put aside the fact that Joe Biden was a walking corpse even before that election and has progressively lost control of his faculties, muscles, speech and bowels before the nation's very eyes for the last three-plus years, even as his cheerleaders in the national press continued to ensure you that this was the strongest man alive; the wisest of the wise, the most-civil and polite gentleman, an elder statesman of the Churchillian variety, a warrior-poet, a scholar-philosopher.

Who can't handle a flight of stairs.

And then -- I know I'm asking a lot of you here, but please, bear with me -- I would like you to forget that the Biden administration has done everything in it's power to destroy, ruin, demonize anyone or anything it believes it is a threat to it's power and legitimacy:

Locking up "insurrectionists" in solitary confinement and denying due-process.

Subverting the rule of law to prosecute and persecute those who are all but labelled enemies of the state or selectively enforcing what law is left so as to protect itself and its allies.

Misrepresenting everything it is possible to misrepresent while claiming to be the sober, sane, intelligent people who then go on to nominate judges who can't define "woman", to champion the cause of imaginary-menstruating mental patients, who go out of their way to destroy national sovereignty (and dilute the value of the vote) so as import millions of non-citizens who will be granted the franchise.

People who are supported by legions of felons, anti-social types and other parasites on society who have proven they will use violence, arson, rape, murder, mayhem if they don't get their way, in true democratic fashion.

And they call all of this "democracy". Anyone who disagrees is a "fascist".

Worse still ,they claim to be the defenders of that democracy that looks nothing of the sort.

Because that's what they are truly defending.

THAT sort of "democracy". That is to say, the sort that ONLY benefits the political left and if we have to bend a few definitions, blur a million distinctions, kill a few hundred or thousands of people with misguided policies, lie with every uttered syllable along the way, that's just the price the "democrats" are willing to let everyone else pay.

Understand the basics: this is about power. Not ideology, not systems of government, not philosophies concerning the proper role of politics and government in daily life.

It is the power to bend the will, mores, cares, priorities, and activities of millions -- usually against their will and at their expense -- for the benefit of what has arisen as a kind of aristocratic class in a country which is supposed to have no class distinctions and no aristocracy.

It's a kind of "democratic" feudalism in which a bunch of self-elected elites -- the AOC's of the world, the bureaucrat, the journalist, the machine politician, the sycophant welfare brigades, the academics, the identitarians of whatever stripe and perversion, the race hustlers -- get to impose their twisted ideas, their tried-and-failed philosophies, their constipated worldview upon millions of people they regard as serfs.

They wish to continue to live well on your sweat (i.e. money) but they have no consideration or care for you.

None of them cares what the actual affect on the nation is. All that matters is that the check arrives on time, the titles and powers keep expanding exponentially, the privileges continue to accrue...but only to THEM.

You've seen this callous disregard for everything from decency to law for quite some time now, but never to this extent.

A special prosecutor tells us the President is too frail and befuddled to prosecute for crimes for which there is evidence (notably influence peddling), but somehow he's still capable of serving as the President of the United States...

...until he melts into a blabbering, incoherent puddle of drool on national television.

"Public servants" from judges to Cabinet heads to the leadership of every bureaucracy including the FBI and Secret Service are called on the carpet in the House every day to answer questions and simply refuse to do so. In fact, they refuse to comply with every reasonable request made in the name of transparency and public trust for documents, transcripts, audio and video files, memos and e-mails, unless, of course, those things can be made to serve the interests of the new aristocracy.

Such as when the 4,000 hours of video of January 6th is selectively edited by a television producer to run a series of show trials and fake investigations in order to tar political enemies as if it were a made-for-TV mini-series.

Every day I watch on YouTube as government officials and others of this new landed aristocracy are called before Congressional committees and asked simple, basic, rational questions on everything from "will you condemn anti-Semitism?" to "why was an illegal alien with a history of rape and murder released from a federal prison?" and simply stonewall, refuse to answer, try to shave the argument around the margins, essentially telling you that they don't believe they answer TO ANYONE.

As soon as you hear the words "Thank you for that question, Senator" you know the bullshit is about to land by the ton.

(By the way, that preamble is a time-wasting device, since Senators in Committee only get five minutes to question anyone. You waste a good two seconds every time you use that "Thank for your question" nonsense).

If this is democracy, then it's not worth defending.

Actually, it's Managerialism, but I've beat that horse into dust on this page, so I shall spare you the lecture.

In the end, all this Kabuki about "democracy" is about no such thing. It doesn't really matter if Princess Kneepads was voted into her new position or installed by the corporate democratic machine. She ain't gonna win and if she somehow manages to the means by which it happened will be so obviously wrong that the potential response that follows will make the Summer of George Floyd look like a 4th of July block party.

Benjamin Franklin was once asked if the United States had been birthed as a monarchy or a republic, and his answer was:

 "a republic, if you can keep it."

Not a mention of democracy and Old Ben was there when it all happened, you know.

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