"I think that you can disagree with people and debate over their positions with issues without engaging in the politics of personal destruction..." -- Hillary Clinton
So says the most-brazen liar to ever walk the planet!
Today's word vomit will be about destruction, Minions, but first, a word from our sponsor.
I have been incredibly busy these last ten weeks. This is what happens when the company you work for is discovered to be run by monkeys, your management has priorities other than work, and there is a steady stream of resignations.
You end up being "The Man" after only 10 months on the job.
You also end up being THE ONLY person who still goes to the office.
As of last week, I have just finished a stretch where I worked 13 twelve-hour shifts in a row, and in the weeks leading up to this swapped day and night shifts, often with but a single day off in between.
No sooner did this crappy situation come to an end than The Other Night guy ends up in a hospital, so I'm back to galley slave status.
(Author's note: between the time I started this and now, I began another marathon session of 10 straight shifts without a day off. Fortunately, I flipped out on management and I was "rewarded" with two days off at the start of this week, but I'm about done )
And now with four trainees to worry about, too.
I've had it. I'm sick of this job, of Raleigh, NC, and of working for people who only seem interested in hitting bureaucratic "metrics" rather than addressing the real issues surrounding our work.
As, for example, New Year's Eve, when a customer (a major metropolitan public transportation network) dropped a major systems change in my lap on Friday, managed a meeting on Saturday in which it was clear the whole thing was last-minute and slapdash, and my management was only concerned with ensuring the paperwork was in order. The idea that a foul up would cost millions and paralyze an entire city on New Year's Eve meant nothing, so long as someone else took the responsibility for it -- and put it in writing. Their asses were covered; mine was left exposed.
If I have been remiss in entering anything readable here during this time, I hope you understand why.
I am witnessing at work the destruction of something, first hand; the slow rot of poor management, poor training and ultimately, dumbfucks put in charge of a billion dollars-plus worth of extremely delicate high-tech equipment resulting in the slow death spiral of a multi-billion dollar corporation.
This all takes place against the backdrop of a more-generalized destruction taking place within the United States.
The Overlord is something of an amateur historian. The subject is, in fact, his first love, and had it not been for the allure and lucrative possibilities of the IT industry (which are rapidly disappearing), I most likely would have studied the subject, gotten a PhD, and taught in one of our (not-so-) finer universities.
Wait, did I say "finer" and "university"? What was I thinking?
Because an example of the decay of American institutions is, in fact, our modern university system, places where education no longer happens and where monolithic bureaucracies that concern themselves with race, gender, sexual orientation and the massive income generated by sports hold sway.
If you did not know this by the indications lately witnessed of our supposedly "best and brightest" protesting in favor of beheadings, rape, terrorism and kidnapping on our streets, then it was on full display just two weeks ago when three university presidents -- all female, you might have noticed, and all obviously Affirmative Action hires -- could not bring themselves to condemn antisemitism, actual violence against Jews, or muster as much as a feeble denunciation of genocide.
(As of this writing, two of those morons have resigned, one leaving behind a self-serving resignation letter in which she is a victim of so many biases it's a wonder she hasn't been institutionalized).
But I'll bet they could recite all 867 (and counting) personal pronouns of the permanently brain-damaged class from memory.
A sure sign that a society is headed towards imminent destruction is when the instruments of education cease to function; they stop teaching the rudiments of the culture that produced them, and instead begin preaching a gospel of mental diarrhea centered around the avoidance of reality, the rejection of systems that have been proven to work, the indoctrination of the young into paradigms of dispshit centered around Marxism, victimhood and the elevating of failure into a virtue, shedding even the thinnest veneer of civilization or empiricism in the process.
A historical signpost on the road to perdition also occurs around the hydra of sex and gender.
One need only skim through the history of all of the world's "great" empires to notice a trend that runs through all of them; at some point, perversion of the sexual act and the rejection of gender norms occurs.
The Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Ottomans, all succumbed, in some measure, to this perversion. When Men become Woman, or pretend as if they are, or vice-versa, and this denial of reality and biology becomes common it is an indication that your society is circling the bowl.
In China or Byzantium (and to a lesser extent, among the Ottomans) the business of government, of real Imperial administration, fell into the hands of eunuchs.
Literally, the organs of government were placed into the hands of men with no organs.
Never mind Chesterton's admonition about "Men without Chests", the prevalence of "Men without Balls" is a much-greater danger.
As if to hammer the point home, one need only give a cursory glance at the system of American Government to see how this works in actual practice, for while the "Men" nominally in charge of these here United States may still have all their equipment, their behavior, their inability to do something effective for fear of approbation or unpopularity, their complete loss of anything resembling a moral compass, makes them eunuchs of a different, if only metaphorical, sort.
And when you run out of Men without Balls to count on, you can be certain there are plenty of Women Who Wish They Had Balls ready to step up to the plate (that they won't wash, as God intended). The female contingent of the American Government -- from the Fed all the way down to your County Commissioners -- is infected, INFESTED, really, with soft, feminized hornswoggle.
Sez me, the worst thing that ever happened in the United States was to give the female the right to vote. It has been a wild ride down the sluicegates to Hell ever since. Once they began voting, they voted like how someone with a vagina could be counted upon to vote -- that is to say, they have consistently voted to be taken care of.
By someone else.
Because getting a husband is too difficult when you're this fucking stupid.
And American women, sez me, are fucking stupid. These are the sorts of people who are guided by their goddamned feelings rather than by rational thought. The kinds of people who will spend enormous sums of money in a phony quest to look like and act like a whore but not be treated like one, who will do and believe things simply because some big-assed Armenians from California, or some bitter, desiccated corpse on a certain morning television show, tells them to.
They are not, by nature, leaders. Just followers. They are not, by nature, builders, but rather usurpers and parasites. The myth of the Amazons should one day truly be tested whereby a large group of women is left stranded upon an island, given all the tools they need to build a thriving civilization, and left to succeed or fail on their own. My money says such an experiment fails within three days, depending upon how many menstrual cycles are active at the outset.
Make it one day if there is any significant proportion of lesbians involved.
This feminizing force pervades all aspects of American Life to the detriment of us all.
The schools are full of young boys taught to hate themselves...by women who seem to hate themselves, too. The streets are full of wild children raised by single mothers whose taste in Men is questionable, at best, criminal, at worst. The Halls of Power are patrolled by vicious wokescolds who are more interested in destroying Men than they are in helping Women, or anyone else, for that matter. Marriage has almost become a dirty word. There are more women who would take advice on anything from Oprah than they would even the wisest of Men who ever lived.
The Feminine Touch destroys all it comes into contact with -- the military is now little more than a social petri dish and a welfare program for unwed mothers. The schools from elementary to college are cesspits of feminist dogma given life. Justice is perverted by the feelings of indoctrinated female judges and their need to hold down men. You cannot debate so much as a Highway Bill or Defense Spending Cut without the subject of abortion making an appearance. One can spend days on Tindr, swiping right through a catalog of lonely women advertising that they are available for consequence-free and attachment-free sex, 24/7/365, who will then, paradoxically, demand that you not objectify them..
Who will then complain they're treated like the whores they've become.
Failure to maintain the traditional gender norms, to control the sexual act through a traditional system of marriage and social judgments, to allow this soft, flabby, squishy dialectic wherein how one feels at any given moment is more important than what one actually does or believes, is a poison. We need to get our womenfolk back under control and back into the kitchen.
I know, not a popular position...but the evidence that the alternatives are somehow better is completely lacking. You can contemplate this the next time you're carjacked by a fatherless punk, flunked an exam because you responded to a question with facts, logic and well-defined values rather than the dribble of Betty Friedan, are injured or dead because the 5'-nothing, 98-pound "firefighter" couldn't carry you down five flights of stairs, or lose an opportunity to become President of Harvard (where you might actually do some good) because someone with a different skin tone and a pair of boobs was deemed more worthy, even if completely unqualified and obviously hateful..
To show just how pernicious an influence an angry female can be, I return to the personage of Hillary Clinton.
So pissed was she at being rejected by the American Electorate that she set in motion a series of lies that has all but made any sort of decent, conciliatory, useful political discourse in this country nigh impossible. So far has the rot sunk that even after years of objective evidence that everything Hillary did was illegal, immoral, unethical and downright nasty and no one holds her accountable.
And she has suffered not a whit for it.
Another milestone on the Highway to Perdition: there is no justice and the wicked prosper.
The next eleven months are going to be a roller coaster of hilarity as the wicked and perverted fight an increasingly desperate rear-guard action to retain some shreds of power, the only means by which they can continue their job of destruction without resort to violence (a contest which they will lose, their footsoldiers mainly being chicks, phags, crack-smokers, overweight welfare queens, and criminals who can manage to shoot everyone except who they're aiming at).
A Happy New Year's Wish from The Overlord
Until the day comes when the Death Star is fully operational and we can safely destroy, say, San Francisco, and I can go back to force-choking incompetents without a visit from HR, the Overlord bids you to be strong.
Strength is about the last resource being left to you. Husband it, nurture it, because the days are coming when we will have to use it.
There is ONE thing I implore a certain sort of so-called "conservative" not to do (actually, two sorts). The first is the people who will never, ever, in a million years, vote for Trump because he isn't one of the Country Club/700 Club set. Stop clutching your pearls and wetting your pants and vote "any R" over "Holy shit, the left didn't just put that prick on the ballot, did they?".
People like you are the reason why the right keeps losing elections and the remainder of the GOP is softer than a baby's bottom.
The Other Guy is the nose-picking moron who will vote for no one OTHER THAN Trump, sitting home and stewing in his fucktard while the left is handed an easy and undeserved victory (again). I understand: Trump puts a tingle in your vaginas, but the alternative of no republican at all versus whatever brainless clod the left throws up is too terrible to contemplate. Swallow your fucktard, if you must, and vote DeSantis if there's no Trump (assuming he survives Trump sucking all the air out of the room).
People like you are the reason I keep running into people masturbating in the isles at Wal-Mart.
With that said, I wish you all a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year.
Did we get cynical or only notice the rot after it had destroyed much of what we grew up and knew? I had a friend that was one of 4 doing the job at his company in Sacramento and one day we met and he told me that it was just him and another guy doing the same work of 4. I asked if he was being paid more and he said, nope. Then it was just him so I asked the same question. He quit that job after thinking about how much more time he was giving away to the company for nothing. We were both new dads at the time and there were plenty of high paying jobs out there that didn't demand 12 and 15 hour days, day after day and week after week. That's a young man's gig.
Great to hear from you again! I've been derelict in checking for updates - but the wait was WELL worth it! Great column!!
I do empathize with your work predicament! I was in a similar, but not as important, situation with seeming being the only person who had any common sense but was constantly bombarded with cleaning up the messes caused by idiots! Hang in there! I finally got relief when I presented my "up the ladder" boss with a list! He asked what it was and I told him it was what they OWED me - I was DONE and they could just fire men, pay me, and get someone else to handle the crap. He was stunned but a week later a candidate for General Manager was brought in for interviews and then hired! All the morons previously making "democratic" decisions soon were fired or just left!
Your assessment of the MESS we are in is spot on! Now I do love WOMEN! Can't beat them (it's a law unless they are "certain religion") for what they are NATURALLY intended! I've seen my share of women "managers" and the hardships that fell on many due to their "leadership"! Now don't get me wrong, there are women who are CAPABLE of leading, but they should have to PROVE IT before just handed the reins!
I do hope 2024 brings some good things to you!
Have faith,
The hate mail for this must have been epic.
I hope the hate mail was of sufficient volume to give a nice, comforting glow. Sacred cows hate being rendered. . .
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