Wednesday, May 1, 2019

You All Suck (Example #31a - 2020 Election Edition, The democrats)

"Have you ever watched a crab on the shore walking backwards in search of the Atlantic Ocean, and missing? That's the way the mind of Man operates." -- H.L. Mencken

I really do detest writing about this subject, nowadays, since the political landscape of this country resembles something like a dingy backstreet in the worst of slums, dominated by the spectacle of a massive hole in the street through which a broken sewer pipe is discharging it's contents.

And then it gets worse, as the residents of the tenements all climb out of their ratholes to take the "free" bath.

The problem with writing about the present state of American Politics, from the point-of-view of this nobody blogger in this dusty-and-forgotten backwater of the solar system, is that the majority of people I encounter on a daily basis who want to talk about the topic know virtually nothing about it.

Oh, they "know" they're republicans or democrats, independents or libertarians, which is to say, they've selected an identity, of sorts.

But ask any of them what this actually means and you can tell their thought processes haven't taken them that far. When they finally cease floundering for an answer, what you usually get is some amalgam of semi-emotional crap that has reduced all things to a baser level -- "a feeling", a like or dislike of a personality, a "party line" lifted from the newspaper or website of choice -- that has been justified by a course of mental gymnastics that should be included in the next Olympics, and which does nothing more than to help the poor fucktard ignore the glaring logical inconsistencies that landed him at his choice.

That is to say, they've made the choice mostly unconsciously and subjectively. That is to say, they haven't actually thought about why they are what they claim to be, or how they arrived at this decision, or what, having embraced this that or the other ideological stance, requires of them. The logical consequences of a particular belief or stance is almost never examined truthfully or critically.

Ask what a particular party stands for, and you get some generalizations, but no specifics. Often, people will ascribe to one party a policy that actually originated with or belongs to the other. There is no explanation provided for why those particular generalizations are better than the other guy's generalizations, no knowledge of the historical and cultural circumstances that lead to that generalization, and no attempt made at engaging an empirical test of one generalization against another based upon data that is readily available and experience.

Now, I know plenty of republicans who (not) think this way (don't get me started on libertarians; they're the worst!), but I run into far more self-described democrats (small 'd' intentional) who also not think this way. And who are proud of it, too. They wear their stupid like a kindergartner brandishes the rainbow sticker they got for getting through the day without wetting their pants.

Defiantly proud of their dumbass, I might add.

I'll get to the GOP half of this two-part screed before the weekend, but for now I just want to focus on the Stupid Party, conveniently and appropriately represented by a jackass.

As of this writing, there are something like 20 democrats (small 'd' intentional) who have signaled that they are either in the running for 2020 or exploring the possibility. At any other time but the present, this would indicate that the democratic party has a problem on it's collective hands: if you have this many would-be candidates, then there must be quite a lot of dissent within the ranks, as each candidate would normally be assumed to represent a singular viewpoint that the Party has seen fit not to address.

But that's not necessarily the case here, at least not at first blush.

For there is no substantive difference between, say, Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren, Corey Booker and Pete Buttigieg, Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, Amy Klobuchar and Eric Swalwell, Julian Castro and Beto O'Rourke (except that Julian is a real Hispanic) et. al. They are all, at bottom (with apologies to Mayor Pete: I didn't use that word to get you all excited) the same performer, playing the same song, like a convention of Elvis impersonators, for if you look at the platform being put together by all these dueling gasbags, you hear the same things:

More free shit.
Forgiveness of college debt.
Open borders.
Illegal immigrants, felons and terrorists currently in prison get to vote.
Prison Reform.
Killing babies even after they've been born.
Giving the vote to 16 year olds.
ObamaCare 2.0.
"Green New Deal".
"Universal Income" (don't we already have welfare?).
Legalized drugs.
"Education" (they don't say what this entails, just that it needs more funding and unions).
"Climate Change".
We hate Trump, Too.

(Here, I must stop to include the obligatory disclaimer: the Overlord does not care if anyone is Gay; he does not care if you munch carpet because men possessed of all their wits and senses find you unattractive, nor does he give a tinker's cuss if your bag is having other men forcibly pump gallons of semen into an organ that was designed to be Exit-only. He does not think any the less of you as a human being, but he will laugh at you).

I could go on, but there's no point. These are are all generalized ideas with no solid policies behind them. They're spitballing, looking for the right phrase that focus-groups the right way and then they will begin to build half-assed policies around them that will be long on lofty rhetoric, class warfare, racism and sexism, fear and manufactured outrage, but short on actual details.

And yet, they will all try to convince you that they are somehow "different" from one another based upon criteria that, objectively, run afoul of their already-stated policy goals and pronouncements from years gone by, so that, for examples:

1. You learn that Elizabeth Warren (allegedly) has a vagina. So too Kirsten Gillibrand and Amy Klobuchar. You also learn that Kamala Harris has one, too, but apparently every swinging dick in San Francisco already knew of it from first-hand experience, but her's is of real mixed heritage, unlike Lizzie's, which is of fake-mixed heritage which was only fake-mixed so as to get a job...or three. And then there's Tulsi Gabbard, who not only has a mixed-heritage vagina, but it wore a military uniform, once.

2. Pete Buttigieg is openly gay, and Corey Booker only ambiguously so, but he'll blow a battalion of drag queens on a Greenwich Village street corner to prove his homosexual bona fides, if he has to, because he's a shameless panderer, and all this Gay is a reason why either one should be President.

3. Julian Castro (Latino), Kamala (Black and Indian), Corey (ambiguously black, too), Andrew Yang (Chinese), and Gabbard (a Samoan Hindu), are all People O' Color and non-Western heritage (and yet, they're all here? Don't you have to be native-born to be President, in which case, they're all of Western heritage?). This, alone, is reason to vote for them.

And all this from the party that spent decades lecturing the rest of us how race, gender, sexual proclivities, religion, skin color, culture, etc, etc, never mattered. Now it's ALL that matters, because while the American left has been busy overturning decades of moral preening on the "content of character" in the elevation of The Diversity, it's been making a mockery of the very concept, itself.

Which is where the White Heterosexual Guys come in. These come in two varieties -- Old and Retard. In the case of Joe Biden, these two categories overlap.

I could start with John Hickenlooper, but then again, the man is to Presidential Politics what a genital wart is to your love life: you don't know how you got it, but it's there, it doesn't turn anyone on, and discussing it publicly is simply more embarrassment.

So, let's settle on the three "front-runner" White Guys (not including Mayor Pete Buttplug, who is not included as "White" because "Gay", because "Diversity" has different rules). These would be Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke.

Joe Biden is a known quantity, which is to say, he's an obnoxious ass who couldn't muster enough intellectual firepower to daydream and everyone knows it. Eight years as Obama's co-pilot and, before that, close to 30 years in the Senate where his best-remembered accomplishments were running for President twice (and losing), plagiarizing his stump speeches from Neil Kinnock, making unseemly remarks about "The Diversity", running the Dog and Pony show that were the confirmation hearings of Clarence Thomas, and generally being an irritant from the back bench of the Senate. Something on the order of the political version of a nosebleed -- something slightly annoying that goes away after a little while.

Joe Biden is to steely statecraft what Milli Vanilli was to musical accomplishment; he got this far lip-synching the proper platitudes and then promptly shut up and disappeared for a while once everyone found out, only to re-emerge when the outrage finally died down.

But, somehow, this is the guy with the gravitas?

Bernie Sanders is interesting from the point-of-view that while being in favor of the list of "planks" in the reconstituted platform mentioned above that makes him indistinguishable from every other douchebag in this race, he at least has something of a dramatic flair. Bernie reeks of the romance of the for-show beatnik wanna-be Bolshevik revolutionary. Which is rich, considering that what this means is that he is trying to push a tried-and-failed 19th century political ideology as a 20th century pitchman as a solution to 21st century problems.

The fact that Bernie has sold out more times than the Rolling Stones is to be conveniently forgotten, because the romance of the radical reactionary is all the rage on campus, where the Kool Kidzzz all wear Che t-shirts, behave like Mao's Red Guard of child revolutionaries attacking the "Four Olds" (Old Customs, Old Ideas, Old Habits, Old Culture). Bernie is a throwback to the "Proletariat Struggle" of the past , now being embraced by a generation that has never been "Proletariat" or "struggled" (except against reality) at all, and wouldn't know what that meant if you administered the lesson via 72-hour enema (more on this later, when I get to AOC).

And then there is "Beto".

If there was ever a better example of the stupidity of youth, here it is. A child of privilege "rebelling" against it from a misplaced sense of guilt...who then married into even more money. This is, on some level, true of all self-proclaimed "Progressives" as they are generally drawn from the wealthiest families, grow up feeling ashamed of their privileges that they a) know they haven't earned and b) make them look bad in front of their declasse friends...whom they usually buy friendship from with their unearned wealth.

Beto is like Obama...only in vanilla. Beto is reminiscent of the Kennedy's -- in that he looks like Bobby and drives like Ted, which is why the upper echelons of the American Left fucking love the guy: He reminds them of Camelot. Except they forget that Camelot came with the Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam, Sexual Exploitation of women, collusion with organized crime, and ended with Lyndon Baines Johnson presiding over a country torn by dissent and violence. And fraternal numbskulls with ventilated heads.

Yes, let's go back to that. Seriously...for people who call yourselves "Progressive" you certainly seem to live in the past an awful lot.

But all three have the same problem, you see, in today's democrat (small 'd' intentional) party;

Bernie and Joe happen to be Old White Heterosexual Males at the forefront of a party that considers all things Old White Heterosexual Male to be like, gross, icky and ewww, an' stuff. A party that has spent the last decade all but calling for the extinction of Old White Heterosexual Males and is busy destroying that heritage one statue, one prohibition of free speech, at a time, is now grappling with the paradox of Joe and Bernie out-running and out-fundraising every Vagina O' Color and Limpwrist.

My, however did THIS happen? My, however do the dems explain this embarrassing situation? Because there was supposed to be no room in "Diversity" for Old White Hetero Men.

It will be fun to watch from the standpoint of something I've eluded to earlier: the proliferation of candidates being a sign of weakness. From the point-of-view of a platform, what is being constructed now is not an issue for the Old White Hetero Guys -- it's Bernie's bread-and-butter, and Joe can be expected to mouth the words without even having to think about it. So, this proliferation only becomes a problem when it comes to actual voting and the loyalties are seen to be divided: for the issue was never about "what the democratic party has to offer" (the same as it always does: other people's money, transferred blame for it's own failures, envy, fear, hatred, and racism), but about "WHO" will offer it.

With a "base" firmly ensconced within it's own rectal cavity and high on identity politics, is even "New and Improved Even More Free Shit"a message that resonates when it comes from an Old White Hetero Male's mouth?

(We don't wish to speculate on what's already come out of Corey's, Pete's and Kamala's mouths).

In the past, "screwing the other guys" was enough for democrats (small "d' intentional) to usually forget their petty infighting to unite long enough behind a candidate to win elections, but that was before Obama had 73,000 chances to turn America into Zimbabwe and failed. The example of Trump -- a guy who also exacerbates ideological difference, but who gets things done that republicans generally like and want -- is still fresh in the lefty's tiny minds. They want something similar, but still wish to appear sensitive to cultural imperatives which are ultimately hypocritical and self-defeating.

They'd rather elevate a Kamala or a Tulsi, so as to be "on the right side of history", than to elevate a Joe who might actually know how to get things done. Because the risk with the Joe or the Bernie or the Beto is that being white, they will have some affinity with the GOP which will cause them to "compromise their principles", which is rich, considering lefties have no principles beyond "take'. What bothers them is the possibility that in getting the "take" they might have to "give", and so far as they are concerned, every time they give (as if?) all the little Snowflake Identity Groups somehow get hosed -- especially the Vaginas, the People O' Color, the Ass Spelunkers, the Abortionists, the Commies, the Radicals, and the Womyn.

And speaking of the vaginas, abortionists, commies, radicals and womyn o' color, I have to make a gratuitous mention of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the poster child for oral sex as a sure-fire means of birth control.

Recently, I've been hearing the same mantra from many of the 20-somethings I come into contact with, which is that "this generation will be the first in American History never to experience prosperity", which is a meme that has, generally, been attributed to her.

To which I respond:

Are you fucking kidding me?

You are surrounded by "prosperity". Corey Booker could hardly swing another man's erect penis without hitting it. It permeates your very being on a daily basis. If anything, you are the victims of far too much "prosperity" wielded by the wrong hands, you fucking idiots. What you lack is not wealth; it's context and experience of a time other than the one you're living in.

Mostly because your "education" has been directed towards making you a parrot, a mindless automaton, a crying, whining, bottomless pit of "gimme!", who, on a good day, might be able to find her own ass with both hands and a flashlight...and less than 5 Google searches.

Here's your context; I know you guys don't "do" context, because no one ever taught you what that was, or what it was good for, and you were trained -- like seals -- to bark the loudest in order to get the fish tossed your way. You are a generation of drooling morons with over-sized thumbs and little thought process left.

When I was a kid, in the Brooklyn of the 1970's, I grew up in my grandparent's house. My mother, recently divorced with three children, and my uncle (her brother, with a wife and two children) also lived there. There was one television. There was one radio. There was one bathtub. One telephone. When we went out to play, we played in the street, and we mainly played games that the average kid today has never heard of like stickball and Red Rover which required either physical ability or innovation. We played tackle football on the asphalt. Our "playground" was the myriad obstacle course of laundry ladders, fire escapes, building rooftops, barbed-wire fences, and under-equipped schoolyards. We were not hustled into Mommy's luxury SUV for an hour-long ride to the local sports complex with several hundred dollars worth of equipment for organized activities where no one kept score and everyone got a trophy. No "play dates".

I don't think anyone in that house -- my grandparents were an auto mechanic and a seamstress who got paid on piecework, my mother was a secretary, my uncle a photographer and graphic artist --  made more than $200 a week. When they bought the house, my grandparents paid the ungodly sum (in the late 50's/ early 60's) of $8,000 on a 20-year mortgage, after years of living in a cold-water walk-up that was Public Housing (the old Ebbits Hosues, erected over the old Ebbits Field). Three stories, five bedrooms, 1 and 1/2 baths, two car garage. They raised three children and a generation of grandchildren in that house.

Not too long ago, I passed by that house out of nostalgia, and it was unrecognizable, as was the entire neighborhood -- what was once a working class neighborhood was now overrun by the denizens of the and "non-profit" sewers. There was a "For Sale"sign in front of it. I took the opportunity to browse the listing online and discovered the house was completely remodeled on the inside on the HGTV method (put a nook everywhere, put a skylight everywhere, rename every room with a label directly inverse to it's function out of pretense, install the showroom kitchen that will never be used, make sure everything is "recycled").

It was listed for $3.1 million.

The 20-and-30-somethings have done that to neighborhood after neighborhood in Brooklyn. They have now crossed the Narrows into my neck of the woods, having priced themselves out of the other boroughs, and so the value of my house leaped $100,000 in less than a year. You'd better believe I'm looking to sell; I have hipsters ringing my doorbell with bags full of cash at least twice a month.

What prosperity are they missing out on, I wonder?

When you grew out of your clothes, your little brother got them. If you got a hole in your pants that grandma couldn't fix, they got patched. If they couldn't be patched, then they got cut down to shorts and you wore them the next summer. Mommy didn't just throw them away and order a new pair from Amazon or Old Navy.

If you got sick, the doctor was a last resort, as few people could afford health insurance then, too. When I was 8, I had acute appendicitis; two doctors misdiagnosed it as a severe stomach virus, for the only x-ray machines in those days were in hospitals, the MRI and CAT scan hadn't been invented yet, all things you can routinely get in any walk-in clinic, these days. I had emergency surgery just before the thing burst and killed me, and dying from the infection caused by a burst appendix was still common. How many people do you hear about that happening to today? The only pills you usually got for something were penicillin and some of the earlier anti-biotics that today wouldn't cure an itchy ass.

My grandparents, who died within a year of each other from cancer, would probably be alive today had Medical Science been as good in the early 80's as it is now. The combination of new screening techniques, treatments, genetic therapies, nutritional counseling, robotic surgery, etc., probably would have saved their lives, instead of leaving them to die like pieces of rancid meat from a disease the doctors barely understood.

I can recall, I don't remember what age I was, being in the local drugstore with my mother one day and noticing the Battleground Playset up on the high shelf in the toy section. As a kid, I loved toy soldiers, and I remember chiefly wanting this badly because of the fact that the German Soldiers in it were grey, as opposed to the uniform olive drab or dark green that toy soldiers usually came in. I remember it cost $6, and my mother telling me I couldn't have it, because $6 was a lot of money to her.

You spend $6 on fucking coffee that you can't even enjoy because you've swamped it with caramel, whipped cream, and soy milk. 

(If I recall, I actually did get it months later...for Christmas. Along with new underwear).

When I went to high school (I attended Catholic schools for 10 years, a financial hardship, but worth it)  is when I saw my first computer. In those days, personal computers cost most people 10-15% of their yearly salary, so we couldn't afford one, and yet I learned to operate and program one well enough for it to be the beginning of a career when I left school.

College was a dream for most of us at that time. It was common at that time for many people to work their way through college (both of my uncles had done so), that is, to hold down a full-time job and attend school at night or on weekends, and they still managed to graduate within 5 years, usually. I never attended college, and somehow managed to become a Vice-President in a Fortune 10 (not 100, not 500, but fucking TEN) company with a six-figure salary and no debts. You don't need a degree to succeed: I'm living proof.

I bought my first car (no, Mom did not lease one for me) at 20 after saving for two years (I started out making $6.25 an hour, and still had my own apartment at 18). This meant no vacations with friends; it meant sacrificing immediate wants for a long-term goal. There were no coffee shops or internet cafes for me to waste money on; there was no internet service and cable television was something that was restricted to the rural parts of the country where a TV signal couldn't reach. We only had 7 channels. The VCR and the Walkman were the ultimate in personal entertainment, and "binge watching" meant going to Blockbuster to rent Rocky, Rocky II, Rocky III, and Rocky IV and watching them one after the other, before having to return them to the store. On a schedule.

You live in a world that would have made the Robber Barons of old green with envy. Supermarkets; subways; public schools; hospitals with modern methods; college degrees bought on credit; personal automobiles full of electronic whizzbangery that reminds me of the video of the Gulf War in the 90's; having everything you could ever want delivered to your front door in 24 hours or less. You have medicines, foods, running water, indoor plumbing, central heating and cooling, that would have been a miracle to someone who lived 100 years ago. You hold in the palm of your hand a tiny device that represents more raw computing power than the mainframe computers I ran as an 18 year old, connected to a communications method that literally puts the entire body of Man's total knowledge in front of your eyeballs.

And you use it to send pictures of your lunch to each other. Fucktards.

You have known "prosperity", Shithead. It was dumped in your lap. Societies in which young people can waste 4 to 7 years of their lives studying "Diversity" and Binge Drinking while plugging their ears and protesting against ideas they don't like or want to hear at $250k a pop in a virtual hotel with a fucking football team are not societies where prosperity is a mirage, or limited.

What you haven't done is EARNED it. You're spoiled rotten. And yeah,  there will be one wiseass who will tell me about his more modern childhood traumas and tribulations, and you know what? You STILL would have most likely grown up in a house or apartment with heat, air conditioning, cable TV, cellphones, internet access, and a private automobile, and anything you didn't have was probably, at some point, provided by the state in the form of welfare...which is also the after-effect of prosperity.

MAGA, motherfucker.

So, really, when a woman who grew up in Westchester County (one of the wealthiest counties in all of America), claiming to have won prestigious scientific prizes, received TWO degrees from Boston University (yearly tuition $72,000) and despite being an obviously complete dumbass, somehow winds up in Congress spitting communist boilerplate and proving herself a doofus every other time she speaks says she's "never known prosperity", tell her to shut the fuck up, and begin to realize there's a reason WHY someone with that background ended up flinging beer, mixing margaritas, and stealing her co-worker's tips.

And it has nothing to do with "never experiencing prosperity", I can promise you.

This is what the democrats (small"d' intentional) have to offer?

Why would you ever vote for this combination of stupid, clueless and hypocrite, unless you suffer from the same diseases?

1 comment:

Mad celt said...

No comment. Just like.