Saturday, April 22, 2023

Where's My Shovel?

 "I thought Cultural Appropriation was supposed to be a bad thing; a quite obvious and insulting expression of overt racism...I guess that only applies to wearing outrageously-oversized hoop earrings and shooting people in fast food restaurants over cold fries and no free refills." -- The Overlord

I make that statement in the light of this.

The defenders of this bastardization of history -- for having been conceived in the spirit of "woke" it can never be truly historical nor accurate; more an account of what someone believes SHOULD HAVE happened, instead of what actually did -- ask their detractors a question which they believe ends all debate:

"Why do you need Cleopatra to be white?"

It is, however, more relevant to ask this question, instead:

"Why do you need, obviously so desperately, for Cleopatra to be black?"

And, sez me, the answer is manifest:

Because there is no comparable black figure that has as much fame, has had as much history written about her, or has the same stature, as (White) Cleopatra.

And if there is (I could be wrong, been known to happen) then perhaps the reason why no one knows of this Superior Feminae Africae is because non-literate societies suffer from the disadvantage of being incapable of recording and passing on their own history.

In which case, sucks to be you, but that's not an excuse for being obnoxious.

Historically-speaking, the world's great, unwashed, illiterate masses had to await the arrival of White Men to collect, record and examine their own history (see: American Indians, 90% of tribal cultures from Africa to the Amazon), which creates another problem:

If White Men haven't (or didn't) record it or discover it (the existence of a black Cleopatra, or similar figure) then it was either a) not considered worth discovering or b) still remains non-existent in any form that matters.

In which case, then, making Cleopatra black for the sake of doing so serves two purposes, one is simply spite and the other is an act of reverse discrimination.

The first of these is simply the same simplistic and diseased mentality that motivates Urban Yoots to destroy their own neighborhoods, while their neighbors, family and political leaders cheer them on:

If we can't have nice things, then fuck everyone else's shit up.

The second is to commit (what I'm told is) a mortal sin, in effect to display a belief that two wrongs (assuming the first wrong WAS a wrong) make a right, and to do something the Permanently Aggrieved Class says is a major faux pas and commit an act of Cultural Appropriation. Something the Permanent Underclass insists the White Devils do to them all the time, such as when we enjoy R&B or rap or eat Mac and Cheese and fried chicken.

Hence, Cleopatra, physically, historically and culturally a GREEK, and, therefore, WHITE, suddenly becomes black...because some sort of perverted justice?

Of course, when the Permanent Self-Pity Parade does something like this -- make "documentaries" regarding false historical narratives designed to soothe the damaged psyches of the (racially-biased) target audience, or sample riffs by famous white bands to serve as the basis of truly awful "music" revolving around guns, gangs, bitches, welfare and malt liquor, or takes to the internet to defend it's rancid brand of fucktard, utilizing the inventions of the "oppressor" culture to do so, that's not exactly the same thing, is it?

Again, because "justice".

One starts to realize that the more this sort of thing happens, just how seriously impaired is the collective psyche of the people who can (I hesitate to call it this) think this way, and then to act upon it. You must be a dreadfully damaged demographic, barren of anything approaching self-esteem or even self-respect or original ideas if you have to lie to yourselves about your own past (or worse, lie about the past of others who aren't as flawed).

And now you maybe know why millions of African Americans believe Wakanda is a real place...

But it isn't only within the fields of (deliberately) re-writing of history (See: "Roots", "1619 Project") and the so-called "arts" where this sort of stupidity occurs. Because "woke" also has this curious ability to transcend race and even sex to infect people who one might assume would know better, and like a mental form of Coronavirus, spread throughout the Corpus Sociatatus and infect everything from beer to sports bras to swimming pools.

Coming Soon: My adaptation of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Story...starring Jim Carrey.

(Apologies for all the (racist) Latin in this post, but Swahili has no equivalent terms or phrases).

Speaking of beer (or, much like a black Cleopatra or Dylan Mulvaney, something pretending to be something it isn't)...

I note with something akin to glee the all-but-announced-firing of one Alissa Heinerscheid, soon-to-be former VP of marketing for Bud Light. She has become the latest example of the adage "Go Woke, Go Broke".

For those who have been living in caves these last few weeks: In an effort to "elevate" (ad talk is fascinating! As if one could elevate pisswater?) the Bud Light Brand, this mental midget decided that the thing to do was to take an iconic American brand, attach it to a mental patient who is confused about its own genitals, and that this association would somehow inspire those who had previously shunned such swill to guzzle the fucking stuff like there was no tomorrow.

She was attempting, you see, to be "inclusive" and in the end, only managed to exclude every last customer Bud may have had. Why? Because "woke"; judging from that video, I rather doubt Alissa has anything approaching a clue, and whatever few braincells she might have short-circuit on a regular basis, but this entire episode is an abject lesson to anyone who runs a business, from the Mom-and-Pop corner grocery to The Largest Behemoth on Earth. The lesson comes in three parts:

1. Stop putting dumbfuck females in positions of authority.  It is painfully clear when you hear this moron speak that she shouldn't be trusted to do your laundry, let alone run a multi-billion dollar corporation. The fact that she had this position -- VP of Marketing for Bud Light -- is an indication that those who really run Bud knew in advance that she was a complete and utter dunce, and so gave her the least-popular brand in the lineup to handle, hoping for either of the following conclusions: the brand, miraculously, becomes a best-seller, or, it fails spectacularly and you have a scapegoat.

In the meantime, when the television cameras and the judges start poking around Budweiser wondering why there aren't more diversity hires, you can always say: "Hey, we made a dumbass chick who knows jack shit about beer the high muck-a-muck of Bud Light".

One gets the distinct impression the more she speaks that Alissa Heinerschied's true value to Budweiser wasn't her business acumen (do you see any?) but rather as yet one more "diverse" cardboard cutout in the Corporate Potemkin Village.

And as if on cue, once given some responsibility, proved that she couldn't quite cut the mustard, because incompetent boob hired because she (allegedly) has boobs.

2. It behooves a corporation to ensure that when they hire someone to fill this sort of role that they be someone who actually uses and enjoys the product, and thus, believes in it. The way Ms. Heinerscheid speaks of the typical Bud Light drinker, you hear Hillary Clinton ticking off the contents of the Basket of Deplorables, people who need to be dragged kicking and screaming into modernity by their self-appointed betters.

Speaking of which, and this is a personal quirk of mine, more than anything, but it has always been my impression that anyone who has a mouth, gums and teeth that large is probably bereft of anything approaching intelligence. 

Take AOC as an example, and now, this all-but-officially-unemployed doofus.

The difference between politics and business, however, is that in business once one presides over the disappearance of roughly $6 billion dollars in revenue following a really bad idea to it's climax, one finds their career destroyed, while in the other, the ignoramuses who think associating a low-end beer with a mental patient was a brilliant strategy, will keep voting for more of the same. 

3. Can we finally dispel the illusion that America's "great" colleges are still "great"?

This dingbat was a graduate of Harvard and Wharton, formerly the crown jewels of American Education, now reduced to churning out cookie-cutter versions of the wanna-be Kennedy's of the 1960's on an industrial scale. People like Alissa Heinerschied, one imagines, are not as bright as we'd like to think.

 Listen to her speak and you'll soon discover that she's merely a barely-more-articulate Kamala Harris.

"Smart" people do not attend Harvard or Wharton, anymore, merely the human sludge from the upper crust that can manage the appearance of smart.

These are not functioning intellects, but rather a collection of test scores, maybe-interesting extra-curriculars, connections, and affirmative action given the opportunity to attend the premier academies, learn absolutely nothing of value in a watered-down curriculum that damages their psyche rather than nourish their intelligence, and given a diploma which carries "prestige" and little else.

If this is what the Ivy League is turning out -- people who believe the way to save a failing product is to chase a "new and more-inclusive market" while doing everything you can to alienate, insult and offend the few customers you already have -- then maybe we ought to rethink this whole Ivy League thing from top to bottom.

And maybe you ought to keep them out of your boardrooms, too.

The bullshit keeps getting deeper and ranker and one begins to see signs, few though they are, that the whole thing is about to burst at the seams.

Prepare accordingly.


HMS Defiant said...

I read a very old book about a Harvard man long ago. I wonder, as a test of intelligence and actual no-shit ability what would happen if, as a condition of graduation each student was required to openly carry a bible from the Harvard chapel to the USS Constitution and place it in the hands of the Officer of the Deck. Graduation dependent solely on the condition of the bible when it arrived.

I don't think our DIE losers could do it. I think one and all would toss it or defile it in their latest open display of "tolerance."

We'd be better off if the Ivy League simply vanished down the drain.

Chemist said...

"Why do you need Cleopatra to be white?"
Because the truth matters - facts matter.
No further explanation necessary.

SCBen said...

ANOTHER great article! The libers whined "why all the fuss over ONE can"?? I've posted on other sites that it wasn't just "one can" - it was ONE CAN TOO MANY! We're sick and tired of that mental illness being shoved down our throats and fed to little children! Now I USED to buy Bud Light. It's a WEAK beer compared to most so it doesn't have much after taste (or BEFORE taste either) but it goes well with chicken wings! OH yeah, back to the CAN that BROKE the CAMEL'S BACK! With this largely successful abandonment of AB products, the DECENT people have made their position known - leave our CHILDREN and our BEER alone! I doubt I'll EVER go back and MANY others feel the same. Maybe this will be a MESSAGE to companies that they need to leave POLITICS and PERVERSION where it belongs - in Congress!
Thanks for your write ups - nice to read COMMON SENSE and TRUTH!!

PS - hope your broken heart is healing some! Losing a loved one is never easy and that crap about time heals all wounds?? I've never healed but have realized that live does go on and MEMORIES last as long as we CAN remember!

Anonymous said...

You got it wrong, it wasn't a little brand they gave her, it was the most popular brand in the country. They gave it to her because they figured she couldn't possibly screw it up. And she did spectacularly.